Hope the start to our weekend has been great in some way for you all. Apparently its going to be a scorcher here on the gold coast, with temps supposed to climb into the 30's over the weekend and we're still in winter omg, just imagine what summers going to be like. arhh.
Well the other day I went to antenatal clinic for checkup as bub is apparently measuring too small. So they accessed us and asked us to come back the next day for an ultrasound to determine how big roughly bubba is. We had this size issue with alex aswell, but this time I knew that bub would be bigger then alex. So anyways we go back for our ultrasound, bub is perfect in every little way weighing approx 6 pound atm with 2 weeks to go :D, next we had to go to the labour ward so the doctors there could assess us and determine if baby should remain cooking or bring baby out. Thankfully I am allowed to hold onto our oompa loompa till he/she is ready to make their entrance into the world :D! Now we play the waiting game, and omg I am so excited, the fact of not knowing when bub wants to arrive is exciting. I havent even packed my hospital bags yet lol, so I better hurry up and get onto that, everyone atm is nagging me to do it and knowing me i'll be running around the last minute when labour starts packing my bags LOL. Anyhoos so all is good in baby land :D
Yay I got something to show you all aswell, I made this ATC card for our local free swap. I collaged the background then glimmer misted it with cherry red, looks really effective. Unfortunately the camera doesnt show this. Then I built the little angel doll with feathers as leaves and added journaling. Hope you like :D

Lastly I would also again like to thank the beautiful SCRAPCHAT GIRLS for throwing me an online baby shower last night. I totally enjoyed myself and was spoilt rotten by these fabulous ladies, all week parcels have been arriving to my door and last night I finally got to open them all, each gift was so special. They sent clothes, toys, scrap items and vouchers. Spoilt me rotten I tell you. So thankyou girls, you really have made my entire week :D Love yas xoxo TFL