today i feel like a new me, well actually that was the intentions, yesterday i went and got all my hair chopped off, i wanted a new fresh funky look and plus this year is a year for change for me. This year i have made a pledge to myself that i am only focusing on me for once, i am not going to worry about anyone else in the world but me, my unborn baby, my little boy alex and my df jamie, i am purely focusing on my family. This year i am going to not be negative or have negative people around me, its too time consuming and i hate the feeling of being drained of all my energy. Its hello positivity and goodby negativity, i beleive this will enrich my life even more and those around me, i will also try not to gossip, gets ya no where but in trouble. There is heaps more i could go on about, but these are the main points to a new and better life for me. Bring it on. oh heres a pic of my hair, very different from long hair that ive never cut off.
And tomorro i will be posting pics of our ultrasound, a little bub in there 9 weeks and 5 days old :)
much love bloggers. xxxoo
I love your new look! Very Sassy.
Renee xox
thanks sweetheart xoxox..
Hey sweets me again! I have left something for you on my blog :)
GORGEOUS! Love the new you:-)
Love the new look Lyn :) and good for you for making a positive change in your life!!
Aga xx
Congrats on the pregnancy and I hope everything is going according to plan. Wishing you the best, and I luv the hairstyle! Luv Shaz xoxo
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