Oh and yes I promised ATC photos, but truth is I have forgotton to take the pics, so will get onto that really soon, just been super busy with our new addition and with Alex, yesterday we had a really rough day, alex and I, Alot of tears had by mummy and alex, he was just soooo angry yesterday, screaming at me and lashing out at Savannah-Rose :( , I had to go to spotlight yesterday to get a few things but ended up walking outa there in tears, put everything back, so hopefully I will get down there on saturday when Jamie home from work to mind alex for me. I'm the parent for goodness sake and I just seem to be crumbling, I need to pull myself together! But i know things will get better as the weeks go on, well I hope LOL.
But thankfully we had a really good day today, he's been a little angel. I guess yesterday was just one of those days :( But on anouther note, Savannah-Rose turned 6 weeks yesterday, where have those weeks gone, I cant beleive how quick is going. She already smiling and beleive it or not, she had her first giggle last week and also ate a whole arroroot biscuit. SLOW DOWN BABY GIRL!! TFL
oh lyn she's so so cute :) what a pretty baby.
Six weeks...my goodness that has flown. But she is still as gorgeous as ever. I have almost walked out of a shop in tears with my little one's as well sweetie, and that's without a new bub, so I think you are doing pretty darn well. Just remember to take care of yourself. Big hugs to you.
Renee xox
Hey babes - you are nto alone - we have all had those days - If you need to come over for a visit and a change of scenery - just give me a buzz - I could always nurse a baby!!!
I wish I was there to help you hun :( Makes me sad that Im so far away and Alex can't come over for Aunty Lysa time :( Missing you all like crazy! 6 weeks OMG!! Your doing a great job sis xx Noone said it would be easy and you will definatly have ups and downs.. hoping to come visit soon after the little man is born. Take care xox Love you xxx
{{Hugs}} Seriously I think that there must be something up with all the little people this week! I had a bad episode with Cody on wed too! He had an absolute fit at the supermarket trying to get him on a trolley and if it wasn't for a friend who was coming out the checkout the smae time and helping me get him in the trolley I am not sure what I would have done!! :-( Besides I think you're awesome ... there is NO WAY I could look after a 6 week old and Cody! You rock!!
So sorry you have had some bad days lately, Lyn :( You haven't even had time to recover from Savannah Rose's birth yet and the hormones must still be a-raging! Don't be hard on you. You are doing the best job - just look at your sweet baby girl, and Alex is probably a teensy bit jealous perhaps? He has had you to himself all this time after all and it must be hard to understand for him. Take care and remember to breathe, hon. XX
OH she is so beautiful Lyn,take it slow,life will back to normal eventually!
Hard to believe Savannah's already 6 weeks old, she's already looking so much bigger. Sibling jealousy abates over time. My niece called her brother the Grinch for a while, but now loves him to bits.
aww how cute is she!!! growing up sooooo fast!! enjoy every minute babe!! sorry i haven't been around :( xoxoxox
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